


Dieting and controlling what you eat is okay, but taking it too far could become a severe issue for your health and body. So, how far is too far?

Bulimia Nervosa, a psychiatric illness, causes an eating disorder characterized by consuming an abnormally large amount of food within a short time, followed by attempts to avoid weight gain through purging. Those purging methods include self-induced vomiting, excessive use of laxatives, and over exercising.

An individual suffering from these episodes often lose control and typically attempt to engage in efforts in trying to undo that feeling.

Individuals who have bulimia nervosa are often found placing an excessive amount of emphasis on the shape of their body and weight for their self-esteem. This would generally lead to an individual’s self -worth defined by their appearance.

A person with this disorder can be faced with a serious out of control cycle of food consumption and then try to compensate for that habit through feelings of shame, disgust, and even guilt.
These episodes could worsen over time and can lead to an unhealthy obsession with food, dieting, and body image.

The behaviors associated with this disorder are usually concealed by the person, and they are willing to go through extraordinary lengths to keep others from finding out about this little “secret.” Thereby, for this reason, this illness can go undetected for a long time.

The precise causes of this disorder are unknown currently, however, multiple factors could contribute to it such as:


There Are Two Major Types Of Bulimia Nervosa, They Are


In this form, the individual would find him/herself engaging in binging then perform self-induced vomiting or abuse laxatives, diuretics, or enemas.


In this form, the individual would use other methods of compensating for binge eating through fasting, or over-exercising.


However, Some Of The More Significant Causes Of It Could Include

Drastic life changes or transitions that may be stressful to the individual.
Directions wouldnAbuse or trauma that may have occurred in the past.
The individual may have the idea that their body image is of a negative standard.
An individual that performs activities in a profession that involves having to maintain a specific body image may feel pressured under these requests to stay fit or “skinny.”
Amount of self-esteem is incredibly low.


A Few Of Multiple Symptoms Of Bulimia Nervosa Include

Anxiety, depression, mood swings.
Dizziness, headaches.
Rashes, acne.
Cheeks would be swollen.
Scars on the knuckles.
Acid reflux.
Low blood pressure.
Tooth decay and pain.
Hair thinning or hair loss.
Bulimia nervosa isn’t an illness to be taken lightly. When deciding on getting help for yourself or if you suspect someone you know is dealing with this issue, it is essential to seek help as soon as possible.


Working towards recovery through Silver Lining Psychiatry

Silver Lining Psychiatry is a Psychiatrist organization based in Orlando, Florida.

Here at SLP, we offer our multiple services to help our patients feel like they are at their most comfortable level to receive the right care and treatment that they require. Through a blend of Psychiatric evaluations and medication management, our specialists will develop a personalized, effective treatment plan that would be beneficial towards the health and benefit of our patients.